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Section: Software and Platforms

School+ Apps: Assistive tablet applications for school Inclusion

Participants : Charles Consel [correspondent] , Charles Fage, Damien Martin-Guillerez, Camille Manano, Hélène Sauzéon.

College+ is a package of 7 applications. Three applications are assistive applications, guiding the child doing specific tasks. Three others are training applications made as serious games, addressing specific skills. The last application is a meta-application, comprising a link to the three training applications, with an access to statistics of their usage. For each application, data are separated from the design, meaning that every element of each application (pictures, texts, settings, etc.) can be changed at any time. Each application records a log file every interactions performed by the child.

Assistive applications :

Figure 4. Assistive applications

Training applications: These three applications are serious games with increasing levels of difficulties, reachable after a ratio of good answers has been attained.

Figure 5. Assistive applications